Gerbiami tėveliai,

Informuojame, kad Kauno berniukų chorinio dainavimo mokykloje „Varpelis“ pradeda veikti informacinė lankomumo sistema (Kauno miesto savivaldybės 2022 m. vasario 22 d.  tarybos sprendimas Nr. T-79).

SVARBU – mokiniams pamokose turėti savo el. mokinio pažymėjimą.

Elektroninius mokinio pažymėjimus išduoda Kauno miesto bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos.



1 Comment:

  • Sexuality is an essential aspect of a man’s physical and emotional well-being. A healthy sexual life contributes positively to mental and physical health. Open communication with partners, understanding desires, and mutual respect are key for a fulfilling experience. Sexuality should be approached with care, respect, and consent, ensuring both partners’ needs are met and emotional connections are strengthened. Healthy relationships foster trust and intimacy, enhancing the overall quality of life. It is important to address concerns and seek guidance if needed, as sexual well-being is a crucial component of holistic health

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